There are many things that one should learn about Dia de Los Muertos.
And luckily, there are many readily available sites and connections for that information.
Captured from:

My major tip: Don't appropriate the holiday; learn about the rich history of the Day of the Dead! And it's not a Mexican Halloween.
We will assist the Sun Prairie and the Hawthorne Library this year with their celebrations. This flows with my mission for literacy engagement for young readers from divested communities. Latinos continue to be one of the lowest-paid minorities in our country. I enjoy being a guest to libraries, schools, and businesses in this special season to talk about our community's beautiful traditions and grit.
As a teaching artist, I have been helping Dane County children celebrate this day for many years. It all started with my daughter going to preschool, and there was no mention of the Day of the Dead. I was starting my graduate degree studying Latino Children's literature, and the movement of making bilingual education and cultural education available online for Latina Moms was booming. I decided that I could lead small groups on this. From there, it grew and grew until one session I coordinated with the Wisconsin Library Association brought Mexican award-winning Children's book Author and Illustrator Yuyi Morales to Madison, WI. We brought her to my daughter's school for a reading! It's a moment I will never forget!

Community Altar: Discover the Importance of the Day of the Dead
Everyone is INVITED! Build a community altar!
Come and eat traditional Day of the Dead bread and Mexican hot chocolate
Stories & activities for the whole family!
Location: Sun Prairie Library, 1350 Linnerud Drive, Sun Prairie, WI
Date: Wednesday, October 26th
Time: 6-7 PM
Activity: Altar making and stories for the whole family!

Community Room
Wednesday, Oct 26, 10:30 to 11:30 AM
¡LEE y JUEGA junto con otros niños menores de 5 años, en inglés y español! Participar con libros, canciones y experiencias divertidas ayuda a los niños a desarrollar la comunicación, paciencia, empatía y habilidades de la alfabetización temprana y ayuda a desarrollar un amor eternal por la lectura! Los programas de la biblioteca son siempre gratuitos. Los hermanos y los grupos de cuidado infantil son bienvenidos.
READ and PLAY together with children 5 & under in English & Spanish! Engaging with books, songs, and playful experiences helps children develop communication skills, patience, empathy, and pre-reading skills - and helps build a lifelong love of reading. Library programs are always free. Siblings and childcare groups are welcome.