Midwest Mujeres is hosting a free training to become certified as a community partner. As a class we will go over the law of equal opportunities and get acquainted with the City of Madison Civil Rights Staff. We will review equal opportunities rules and how to detect job discrimination. For more information, please visit https://www.cityofmadison.com/civil-rights/programs/trainings/certified-community-partner-training.
Join us for an updated training to understand how to assist in identifying situations of workplace discrimination. You will leaven how to assist community members in filing complaints of discrimination.
This training is on May 19th on Zoom. From 9-11 AM you will get a certificate for attending this training.
If you have taken this training prior, please sign up again as this is new 2022 information!
The training is recommended for ANYONE, social workers, mothers, managers, lead workers, entry-level HR, teachers, and anyone from a group of people who have been systematically oppressed.
Women, Trans people and non-binary people are encouraged to apply.
Sign up: